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Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Is Harrison Wells Eobard Thawne!?.... Lets Find Out!
I did the opposite of what I usually do, I made a video first and now I'm writing the blog, but the question of the day is, is "Is Harrison Wells Eobard Thawne?!". Lets give a little info about the character first. So in the main comics of the Flash, Eobard Thawne is the main villain of the second Flash who is Barry Allen
He killed his mom, killed his wife, and was a maternal forefather to his grandson Bart Allen, Barry killed Thawne by snapping his neck to save his new fiance and Thawne was not scene for over 25 years except for sporadic appearances, Thawne was brought back to life in 2009 by Geoff Johns in The Flash: Rebirth, WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND. So what is the evidence supporting this theory and the evidence against this theory? I'm glad you asked!
Thawne is from the distant future as is Wells it seems, unless the technology advances A LOT in 10 years that tech that Wells is using is very future tech
Wells seems to have a good guy bad guy thing going on trying to save the future, but killing people to insure that he does it
Wells seems very very invested even obsessed with Barry, which is just as Eobard did, Eobard even went through surgery to look like Barry
And that leads me to
my next pro, Wells looks A LOT like Barry, which means they could go with Wells getting the surgery in the future
Many photos leaked of Zoom or Reverse Flash show that if him and Barry were standing side by side they would be about the same build, Tom Cavanagh/Wells is about the same height as Grant Gustin/Barry, with Tom being 6'0" and Grant being 6'2" if Wikipedia is correct
Eobard WOULD NOT try and save the future he proved that in Flashpoint
Reverse Flash and Wells have been in the same scene and FRAME together, and they WILL be doing the Eobard Thawne Zoom, but that future tech might be able to make holograms...
The creators have said that Harrison Wells is a new character (probably just to throw us off) but still that's what they said
And the shitty reason against it yet but I have to include it, other theories, they're are other bigger better theories to try and find out who Wells is
Personally I REALLY HOPE that Wells is Eobard Thawne but I guess we'll just have to wait and see! Thanks for reading, please if you have come to my blog instead of my YouTube channel, check it out at thanks!
He killed his mom, killed his wife, and was a maternal forefather to his grandson Bart Allen, Barry killed Thawne by snapping his neck to save his new fiance and Thawne was not scene for over 25 years except for sporadic appearances, Thawne was brought back to life in 2009 by Geoff Johns in The Flash: Rebirth, WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND. So what is the evidence supporting this theory and the evidence against this theory? I'm glad you asked!
Thawne is from the distant future as is Wells it seems, unless the technology advances A LOT in 10 years that tech that Wells is using is very future tech
Wells seems to have a good guy bad guy thing going on trying to save the future, but killing people to insure that he does it
Wells seems very very invested even obsessed with Barry, which is just as Eobard did, Eobard even went through surgery to look like Barry
And that leads me to
my next pro, Wells looks A LOT like Barry, which means they could go with Wells getting the surgery in the future
Many photos leaked of Zoom or Reverse Flash show that if him and Barry were standing side by side they would be about the same build, Tom Cavanagh/Wells is about the same height as Grant Gustin/Barry, with Tom being 6'0" and Grant being 6'2" if Wikipedia is correct
Eobard WOULD NOT try and save the future he proved that in Flashpoint
Reverse Flash and Wells have been in the same scene and FRAME together, and they WILL be doing the Eobard Thawne Zoom, but that future tech might be able to make holograms...
The creators have said that Harrison Wells is a new character (probably just to throw us off) but still that's what they said
And the shitty reason against it yet but I have to include it, other theories, they're are other bigger better theories to try and find out who Wells is
Personally I REALLY HOPE that Wells is Eobard Thawne but I guess we'll just have to wait and see! Thanks for reading, please if you have come to my blog instead of my YouTube channel, check it out at thanks!
Monday, November 24, 2014
More Reverse Flash Theories!
So I have been thinking about this subject a lot, and me being me watching videos on other peoples theories and reading comments with theories and other blogs it gave me a new one, well, not new, sort of combined with a fellow Flash fan. So what if the Reverse Flash or Professor Zoom was actually Eddie Thawne, BUT from the future, so here is the theory. So Eddie Thawne after loosing Iris to Barry becomes obsessed with them both, and basically hating Barry and in doing that he finds out that Barry is the Flash, and years down the line he figures out how to replicate the accident that gave Barry his powers, so he does it and it works and he travels through time to give Barry hell, killing his mom, kicking his ass, and putting Iris in harms way, all while past him is being friendy friendy to him in present day confusing, right? I know all this makes my head hurt, but it does seem possible, I mean just from the pictures of the stunt man in the Zoom outfit from the set photos you can tell that the stunt man has a Eddie Thawnesk build.
If you go frame by frame on the scenes that Zoom actually slows down and shows his face going 400 miles an hour you can kind of see the resemblance with the two, I mean years down the line cant be too many years because then you have to do prosthetics with the guy who plays Thawne every time he takes the yellow mask off, but still I like this theory and two Thawnes at one time isn't to far fetched seeing that they have stated time travel will be a part of season 1, I cant remember if they said big part or not, but I mean it's the Flash and time travel so of course it has to be a big part.
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Sunday, November 23, 2014
Reverse Flash And Harrison Wells WHO ARE THEY!?
So I have seen a lot of interesting Harrison Wells theories, one that I like the most probably is one I heard from a YouTuber named JaeRoar, he has a theory saying that Wells could possibly be Rip Hunter, and he goes into detail (which I'm not going to do much because I suck at writing and remembering what he said specifically so yeah) but essentially he said that maybe Hunter caused a problem in the future and that's why Barry disappeared in that news article, and also [SPOILER] in one of the promos you see him the weird future room talking to giant face coming out the wall, and I'm pretty sure Professor Zoom or Reverse Flash which ever one is on the show at the moment is not going to report to anyone, he is his own villain. Even though Wells is killing if he is Hunter he is still a hero trying to protect Barry and get him from point A to point B making him stronger and faster so he can change what happened in the future, what I don't get is how he has such a history before the blast even though he is fishy as hell moving to Barry's home town a month after the murder of his mom, and "The Flash is Born" talks about that and confronts Wells on that but he has a solid story so what the hell right?! Well I'm not sure either, I'm going with the Rip Hunter theory because it makes the most sense, BUT that doesn't change the fact that I would love for Wells to be Zoom or Reverse Flash, that would just be awesome, I love his character and I love the actor who plays him. But the snap that Wells did was maybe a shout out to the RF that snapped and made Wally West's wife have a miscarriage sooooo there's that..
But now that begs the question WHO THE F%#$ IS ZOOM OR RF?!?! Well, honestly I have no damn clue, I have been going Batman detective on the S&!% and I can't find anything, Detective Pretty boy is squeaky clean except for the name Eobard Thawne which is the name of Prof. Zoom, so what the hell is going on here.
It has to be Thawne or Wells people and I'm going to go with NEITHER, I don't think Zoom's alter ego has been introduced yet (this is going on the Wells/Hunter theory) I just don't think the character behind the character is on the show yet, they've thrown so many curve balls at us and made Wells so mysterious I don't know what to believe anymore, but we will find out something at least in Ep.9 of the Flash titled "The Man in The Yellow Suit" and I'm assuming that's where the Zoom photos where taken from anyways, seeing how in the synopsis it pretty much says Barry come face to face with Zoom and gets his ass kicked, so its going to be interesting to see how it all plays out, I for one am I HUGE Flash fan and all this makes me giddy.
So thank you guys for reading hopefully I'll have reviews out for both parts of the crossover so yeah, see you guys there!!
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